ITV Stickers in Spain remain mandatory despite rumors

ITV stickers will disappear_2024

ITV Stickers are an essential pillar in road safety in Spain and around the world, such as the Technical Vehicle Inspection, evaluating the technical and environmental condition of vehicles to guarantee their safe and efficient operation. In this context, The Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (AECA-ITV) has responded to recent rumors about the possible elimination of ITV Stickers in Spain.

ITV Stickers: More than an Adhesive

In recent days, speculation has spread that MOT stickers would no longer be mandatory in 2024. However, AECA-ITV has clarified that this information is unfounded. The regulations associated with these stickers are established in the General Vehicle Regulations, and any change would require a more rigorous legal process, which is not currently underway.

AECA-ITV emphasizes that the Vehicle Technical Inspection sticker, technically called V-19, It is not merely an adhesive, but a fundamental distinctive. Its main function is to allow authorities to quickly verify if a vehicle has the current Inspection, comparable to other vehicle documents. In summary, MOT stickers will remain mandatory, playing a crucial role in identifying vehicles with a valid MOT.

Importance to what is important, having the inspection up to date

Failure to comply with the MOT, either by driving without it or by not passing it, carries significant penalties. Driving with an expired MOT can result in fines of up to 500 euros and possible immobilization of the vehicle. Modifying the sticker to simulate approval of the inspection is considered a serious crime, with fines ranging between 6,000 and 12,000 euros.

Regarding the use of the ITV sticker, AECA-ITV emphasizes that it is and will continue to be mandatory. Failure to carry it in plain sight can result in fines of 100 euros. The Association advises drivers not to take risks and comply with current regulations.

AECA-ITV and Ryme Worldwide, to avoid falling into Fake News

The collaboration between the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles (AECA-ITV) and Worldwide Group It stands out as a strategic alliance to prevent the spread of erroneous information in the field of vehicle technical inspection. Together, we work hand in hand to keep drivers, authorities and the automotive industry informed accurately and up-to-date. This collaboration not only reinforces our commitment to information transparency, but also ensures that our technological solutions are in line with current regulations, thus helping to prevent the spread of fake news in this crucial sector.

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