We continue our commitment to the environment

Both Ryme Worldwide and Worldwide Environmental are constantly working on products and solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of the planet. Our gas analysers are emission controllers that are in the MOT stations regulating whether vehicle emissions are adequate.

Every week, we continue to work to improve these products and adapt our portfolio to the new challenges and the 2030 agenda, helping as a manufacturer to make emission controllers more effective.

When we talk about emission control, it is not only about sustainable development but also about saving lives. Did you know that some three million deaths a year are linked to air pollution in urban areas? More than twice as many as for road accident victims.

In our country pollution is linked to the deaths of more than 27,000 people a yearThe number of road fatalities is 1,160, based on the latest data published by the Directorate General of Traffic.

MOTs help take the most polluting vehicles off the roads emissions exceed legal limits, helping to reduce pollution as road traffic generates around three quarters of air pollution in urban areas.

As we do not want our work to be only as manufacturers, we want to actively participate in raising awareness among our public in networks and among our employees throughout the week.

Both in our networks (Twitter y Linkedin), as in those of Worldwide EnvironmentalIn this section, you will find data, games, resources... to understand in a different way the importance of believing in sustainable development.

Take part in our eco-bingo.

It's not just the planet, it's our lives.

Ryme Worldwide. Leading European Manufacturer of Automotive Equipment since 1982.

Bingo Publication Ryme Worldwide